What are the business advantages of leasing for SMEs?

The pressing question is to buy or not to buy. This debate has raged with intensity over the past decade, and people have been trying to figure out whether leasing or buying commercial vehicle fleets makes the best business sense. Whilst traditionalists favour the latter, the balance is fast tipping towards the former. 

Here at T G Commercials Self Drive, we carry a large fleet of commercial vehicles to care for your business needs. Our team has outlined below why commercial vehicle hire in Lincoln is advantageous to SMEs. 

Access to affordable vehicle finance schemes The lifeblood of any business is cash. Without sufficient working capital, you cannot take your business forward or pay for the daily operations. If you purchase a vehicle, it means your capital is getting tied in a depreciating asset. You could have invested that money elsewhere in your business. 

Therefore, many business owners prefer to pay fixed, smaller and regular instalments rather than paying a large sum upfront. Since vehicle rental providers have impressive buying power, they can provide competitive monthly rates. 

Minimal risk

Buying a large fleet of commercial vehicles for your business is a risky move, especially if you are a small business owner. What if you don’t require so many vehicles in the long run? Then, you will be stuck with a fleet of vehicles that you cannot even use, and your capital is tied up in these depreciating assets. On the other hand, leasing carries minimal risk because you have a fixed rental. In addition, it helps you to create a budget for your business accurately. 

Leasing removes the hassle of maintenance 

Renting a vehicle releases the business from maintaining the vehicle and finding a place to store it when it is not in use. So, once you have finished using the vehicle, you can return it to the vehicle rental provider and proceed to rent another vehicle of your choice. The entire process is that easy. 

At T G Commercials Self Drive, we work with a team of experts who ensure the fleet is maintained and matches the highest possible specifications. So, whenever you rent a vehicle from us, you don’t have to worry about the vehicle breaking down in the middle of your journey. 

Pay less taxes

Renting a vehicle is less taxing than purchasing one for your business. However, when you are purchasing a commercial vehicle, you have to pay 20pc VAT upfront, which can amount to a significant expense if you are a small business owner. These expenses are multiplied if you purchase a fleet of commercial vehicles. 

So, these are a few of the business benefits of leasing commercial vehicles for SMEs. If you are looking for affordable commercial vehicle hire in Lincoln solution, reach out to T G Commercials Self Drive without any hesitation. Our team will take care of your specific needs and customise the rental plan for your convenience. You can also go through our vehicle fleet to make your choice.

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