Hiring A Man With a Van in Chesterfield Can Be Expensive

If you are like a large number of the customers who come to us at TG Commercials Self Drive, it is likely that you may not want to use our services very often.

We actually do have a lot of customers who use us virtually all day and every day because, as businesses, they have worked out that it is actually cheaper to hire from us, even on an ongoing basis, than it is to buy their own vans or trucks with all of the extra costs that involves. Things such as tax and insurance, regular servicing, interest charges on loans, and all of the other extras that come with purchasing their own transport can add up to a fair old amount for those businesses.

However, as we said, it may well be that you only need to use a van once in a blue moon, and that’s fine with us. Now, you can, of course, hire a man with a van in Chesterfield, but of course when you do that you have to pay for the man as well!

So, maybe you have a sofa and pair of armchairs that need to be re-covered because the material has worn over the years, but the sofa and chairs are comfortable, so you want to keep them. It’s also cheaper to have them re-covered than it is to buy new.

You Have To Transport The Furniture

There are plenty of companies around who will carry out the work for you, but the fact is that you have to get them from your home to the workshop in the first place, and then you have to collect them again a week later when the work has been done.

Sure, you can hire a man with a van in Chesterfield to collect and deliver them and then pick them up again, but that really means that you will need two men with a van! Two men, van hire, half a day to collect and deliver to the workshop, and then the same again on the way back. So, that’s a day’s work overall, plus the van, say £300?

Instead, it will cost much less to hire a van from us for the two trips, and you and a family member or friend can load and unload your furniture.

Cost? The hire of the van, and perhaps a couple of drinks afterwards for the friend. It will be a lot less than hiring a man with a van.

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