Need A Skip? Grab Hire May Be A Better Bet

If you are going to work on a construction project, it follows that you are going to need materials delivered to the site, and you may very well need a lot of materials taken away from the site if it involves demolition in the first place.

Now a lot of companies who are involved in a project of this sort will use skip hire to remove all of the demolition materials, but is this really the most practical way of operating? In many cases, it is not. It may be far better to use grab hire instead.

There are certain disadvantages to using skips. One of them is that if the premises are too small for a skip to be placed on them, it has to be on the road, which involves a permit and extra costs. Furthermore, you may need several skips with one being taken away and another immediately replacing it.

On the other hand, a grab hire truck can arrive and the bucket can lift large quantities of waste and dump them into the hopper on the back of the truck. You can then drive it away and dispose of the waste, or it could possibly be recycled.

Not only that, but when you use truck hire in Manchester with a grab, it can also be used to deliver materials to the site. Using our grab truck hire in Manchester you can bring materials to site, offload them, and then fill up the hopper with the waste and take it away. In addition, all of this can be achieved just by one person, whereas skip hire can require a lot more labour.

Our grab lorry rental in Bradford, or wherever the site is, also lets you bring in landscaping materials such as topsoil, hardcore, sand, gravel, and so on, which you cannot really do with a skip alone.

Of course, at TG Commercials Self Drive we do have skip hire available if that is what you want, but our grab lorry rental in Bradford provides you with so much more flexibility. Furthermore, it can also save you money, as you can both deliver materials to site and collect waste all in one go.

Whatever you need in the way of commercial vehicle hire we have it here and waiting. You can rent for a day, a week, or an ongoing basis. We provide whatever is best for each customer.

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